Examine the following checklist.
1) If Login works for the enrolled Credentials on site.
For "Action Required: A problem occurred when attempting to use your credential," please check if the login page prompts for an email address and password with the message "Please use the Email Address associated with this account" instead of a username. If so, use the email address in the "username" field.
2) Working login credentials (Username and Password) were updated accurately in Utility cloud (If not then change that).
3) The URL mapped with the Template is correct.
If everything works fine with the above checklist but still the accounts are not fetched, raise a Zendesk ticket with Ticket Classification = Account Update for us to investigate with the following details;
1) Credential ID.
2) Website URL.
Generally, these problems occur due to problems with the supplier's site, such as slow page loading or upkeep. If a vendor's website has gone through recent alterations, we may need to revise our navigational system.